In case you haven't heard...

We are having a baby! Nate and I can't wait till February 10th (due date) when we get to meet him...yep, HIM! I have to admit that I had tears in my eyes when the doctor told us it was a boy, I wanted the baby to be a boy so bad. Here are some pictures of our little critter.

This is his right arm, looks strong right?

Here is his right foot. He's a big boy, already 1 ounce ahead of the average = )

His little fingers.

The doctor finally got him to flip over, he was not happy about it. This is like the only profile picture where he wasn't kicking and trying to flip back over. He likes being on his tummy.

Last but not least this is his nose and lips, the doctor said that he has a little overbite (not surprised with a mom like me, probably a thumb sucker too!)

Nate got inspired to find out what was under the carpet in our dining room, the corners looked good so we ripped out the carpet to discover the rest of the very used 70's linoleum. So now we are moving up the reflooring project to after the windows are done. = )

Max has always loved to dig through Nate's woodpile but when we came home to him playing with this stick we were truly surprised. He is always doing something to make us laugh.

When Nate's parents were in town we went up to the mountains to pick huckle berries. Nate picked the most with his mom as a close second.

Our sad attempt at a garden this year gave us some pretty good tomatoes.

The prettiest thing we saw all summer was Crater Lake. It was a beautiful day, we have to go back and take our time looking around.

A waterfall we visited. It was huge!

JJ, Jamie and Tank! We camped with them for 3 nights, a new record for me.

Family picture!

Nate and Max checking out old cave drawings.

One of the hikes to the waterfall, reminds me of Swiss Family Robinson.

Nate has been pretty busy working on turning our office into the new baby room. You can probably tell we have a long ways to go! That's it for now!


Mike and Stace said...

YEAH!! for a boy. Can't wait to meet him.

Anna said...

A boy like you were hoping! YAY! So excited for you guys! :)

Stacey said...

Jen came by to visit and told us the news! You're alomst to the end!!! Woo Hoo! Do you look as puffy as me? I ran across some old pics from when I was prego with Brody in the office. Yikes, stripes. I threw them away. Will you be going back to work? You live so close and church too but I never see you :< I still work 2 days. The getting there part is hard, but I do love working there. Happy Holidays!